SKU Reduction
Costs Time
And Money
Companies everywhere, in all industries,
are looking for ways to reduce costs and
streamline operations. Programs like
Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma are
used extensively to improve production
efficiency, increase quality and reduce
costs by identifying and eliminating
waste at every level.
Purchasing professionals realize that
excessive inventory is as much of a drag
on company profitability as an inefficient
production line. The more product SKUs
you maintain, the greater the complexity
of tracking systems and expense to carry
inventory — both of which result in
revenue loss.
Reducing SKUs enables companies to lower
inventories, improve efficiencies and apply
resources more effectively and appropriately.
Plus, fewer SKUs means less time to maintain,
stock and fulfill inventory — labor savings that
also translate to lower operating costs.
Reduce SKUs with Innovative
Products from Thomas & Betts
Thomas & Betts has a heritage of product innovation. Many of the new products we introduce
every year are designed to reduce installation time, or deliver superior performance in demanding
conditions. However, another important characteristic of many new Thomas & Betts products
is their ability to replace multiple existing SKUs with one.
For example, the LU
Universal Conduit Elbow can provide a 4-to-1 SKU reduction for conduit
body applications by replacing several other conduit body shapes. Steel City
such as the Adjustable Mud Ring, reduce the need to stock SKUs in varying depths.
Compression Lugs accommodate both code and flex cable on the same lug —
eliminating the need for additional SKUs to stock lugs for both cable types.
And the Kindorf
Metal Framing System uses a 11/2" modular dimension that provides
maximum flexibility in field applications, and results in saving inventory and labor dollars.
Trust Thomas & Betts to stock SKUs in varying depths.
Steel City
Adjustable Mud Ring
Modular Framing System
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