Section 320.30(A), 330.30(A), 334.30(A), 348.30(A), 350.30(A), 356.30(1), and 362.30(A) Cable Ties for Securement and Support
Armored Cable: Type AC
320.30(A) General. Type AC cable shall be supported and secured by staples, cable ties listed and identified for securement and support, straps, hangers, or similar fittings or fittings or other approved means designed and installed so as not to damage the cable.
Metal-Clad Cable: Type MC
330.30(A) General. Type MC cable shall be supported and secured by staples, cable ties listed and identified for securement and support, straps, hangers, or similar fittings or fittings or other approved means designed and installed so as not to damage the cable.
Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable: Types NM, NMC, and NMS
334.30(A) General. Nonmetallic-sheathed cable shall be supported and secured by staples, cable ties listed and identified for securement and support, straps, hangers, or similar fittings or fittings or other approved means designed and installed so as not to damage the cable.
Flexible Metal Conduit: Type FMC
348.30(A) Securely Fastened. FMC shall be securely fastened in place by an approved means within 300 mm (12 in.) of each box, cabinet, conduit body, or other conduit termination and shall be supported and secured at intervals not to exceed 1.4 m (41⁄2 ft). Where used, cable ties shall be listed and be identified for securement and support.
Liquidtight Flexible Metal Conduit: Type LFMC
350.30(A) Securely Fastened. LFMC shall be securely fastened in place by an approved means within 300 mm (12 in.) of each box, cabinet, conduit body, or other conduit termination and shall be supported and secured at intervals not to exceed 1.4 m (41⁄2 ft). Where used, cable ties shall be listed and be identified for securement and support.
Liquidtight Flexible Nonmetallic Conduit: Type LFNC
356.30 Securing and Supporting. Type LFNC shall be securely fastened and supported in accordance with one of the following: (1) Where installed in lengths exceeding 1.8 m (6 ft), the conduit shall be securely fastened at intervals not exceeding 900 mm (3 ft) and within 300 mm (12 in.) on each side of every outlet box, junction box, cabinet, or fitting. Where used, cable ties shall be listed as suitable for the application and for securing and supporting.
Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing: Type ENT
362.30(A) Securely Fastened. ENT shall be securely fastened at intervals not exceeding 900 mm (3 ft). In addition, ENT shall be securely fastened in place within 900 mm (3 ft) of each outlet box, device box, junction box, cabinet, or fitting where it terminates. Where used, cable ties shall be listed as suitable for the application and for securing and supporting.
Analysis of the Change
Sections 320.30(A), 330.30(A), 334.30(A), 348.30(A), 350.30(A), 356.30(1), and 362.30(A) were revised to permit cable ties to be used for securement and support of cables, flexible conduits, and tubings. Cable ties that are Listed to UL 62275 and identified as Type 2S or Type 21S are intended to provide “securement and support” in accordance with the requirements for securement and support of cables, flexible conduits and tubings at maximum spacing intervals specified in the Code. Listing of cable ties approved for support of cables, flexible conduits and tubings are appropriate as the standard requires markings that identify critical performance ranges that can impact their suitability for use, including minimum and maximum operating temperature and resistance to ultraviolet light for outdoor installations. Cable ties identified as Type 1, Type 11, Type 2 or Type 21, without the “S” suffix for “securement and support” serve many useful wire management purposes in electrical installations, including but not limited to: bundling or routing wires for “neat and workmanlike” installations [Section 110.12]; grouping conductors in multi-wire circuits for circuit identification [Section 210.4(D)]; maintaining critical spacing in cabinets; or otherwise to provide supplemental means for routing conductors, flexible conduits or cables.
Ty-Rap, Catamount and Ty-Fast Cable Ties, Type 2S and 21S