Total Project Cost Reduction
Your Challenge:
Cutting Costs
without Cutting
Today’s competitive environment requires
everyone to work harder — and smarter.
Every aspect of the way we do business must
be examined to identify and eliminate waste.
Whether it’s labor, material, logistics or the
process, managers must look for the most
efficient way to get the job done. At the same
time, codes are becoming increasingly stringent,
allowing little room for deviation.
Thomas & Betts Can Help You Realize
Significant Project Cost Savings
Thomas & Betts offers a wide array of electrical products designed to provide customers
with significant and measurable project cost savings:
Labor Savings:
Industry-leading products utilize pre-assemblies, ergonomic designs and
innovative technology to help our customers reduce their total installation and operating costs.
For example, Steel City
Pre-Fab Components are designed to significantly reduce project
costs during the rough-in phase of a project. In addition, Steel City
Pre-Fab saves more
money by shipping pre-assembled electrical rough-in products directly to a job site.
Material Savings:
Special ARRA and Buy America assemblies can help reduce overall
material costs as much as 40%.
Logistics Savings:
Thomas & Betts will work with you to streamline how your order
is packaged, labeled and delivered to ensure the most efficient process possible.
Process Improvements:
Thomas & Betts is a leader in developing and implementing
Web-based catalogs, CAD tools and BIM models to get the job done efficiently.