Section 408.3(A)(2) Service Panelboards, Switchboards, and Switchgear.
408.3(A)(2) Service Panelboards, Switchboards, and Switchgear. Barriers shall be placed in all service panelboards, switchboards, and switchgear such that no uninsulated, ungrounded service busbar or service terminal is exposed to inadvertent contact by persons or maintenance equipment while servicing load terminations.
Exception: This requirement shall not apply to service panelboards with provisions for more than one service disconnect within a single enclosure as permitted in 408.36, Exceptions 1, 2, and 3.
Analysis of the Change
Section 408.3(A)(2) was revised to add [service] “panelboards” to the list of equipment that require barriers to be placed so no uninsulated, ungrounded service busbar or service terminal will be exposed to accidental contact by persons or components.
ABB Panelboards